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Healing the Feminine: Honoring Our Dreams and Intuition, Reclaiming our Medicine as Women- SWANA Women's Sacred Healing Circle

This is an ongoing circle. For general background, open this event and read the info below.

Next Circle: Dream circle, Monday, May 18, 5:30-7:30 pm.

For more details about the specific theme and location of each month's meeting, please contact and request to be on our private group mailing list or join our private facebook group to stay posted.  

WHO:  Women identified folks who have SWANA ancestral roots (mixed folks are welcome, masculine of center and trans* women are welcome). 

** SWANA means South West Asia and North Africa, a less colonial term to describe the region known as the "Middle East and North Africa". If you are a woman who has native ancestry from this region, this circle is specifically for you.**

COST:  To respect the ceremonial nature of this circle, it is offered by donation. Reciprocity of any and all heart-felt kinds is customary and encouraged in our culture and in all ceremonial spaces to maintain balance of energies and sustain the offerings made to keep it healthy and present. Contribution of materials, medicine, space, heart-felt gifts, help setting up and cleaning up, and other preparations are also always welcome. Please consider making donations in multiples of 9, a number which honors the ancestors. 

WHAT: This is a ceremonial circle dedicated to the healing of the feminine in the SWANA community.  We started it officially with a sacred fire ceremony on October 23, 2014 and a dream incubation to close the evening with. Self-healing is an ongoing process which greatly benefits from community support.  Without engaging in a level of our own healing, connecting consciously to the wisdom and medicine of our ancestors and our own intuition becomes clouded, difficult, and stagnated. The work of ancestral re-membrance is intimately tied into the work of our own healing and healing the more intuitive and indigenous ways of knowing that are often associated with the "feminine" side of our own human nature.  This healing circle will run monthly in alignment with the New and/or Full moon, and is dedicated to healing feminine ways of knowing. The full moon sessions will be dedicated to an evening ceremonial circle around the fire, supported by the elemental spirits, the moon, and the transformative nature of the fire to support us as we share our truths and prayers with one another. The New moon sessions will be an afternoon session dedicated to working with our dreams for healing.  Dreams and the wisdom of the night and moon times are associated throughout the world with feminine forms of knowledge and the mysteries of the sacred feminine. In this circle, we will collectively explore and honor the wisdom offered thru this realm (including waking dreams & visions), learning about and reclaiming attention to our own inherent wisdom, as well as the messages of our ancestors.  There will be opportunities to share and receive reflection on both personal dreams, as well as to participate in group incubations (calling upon dreams collectively- teachings on how to do this will be offered) towards addressing specific questions, healing needs, and concerns as identified by the group. Regional dream rituals and medicines will be explored and utilized, including those wisdom passed on by the grandmothers, mothers and elders of those present in the group. There will be opportunities to utilize plants, stones, creative expression, and other medicines to support the dreaming processes. 

Later Event: May 31
Sacred Medicine Garden